Monday, July 6, 2009

images from the Legacy

Opening was a lot of fun. It was a great pleasure to share space with Melissa Sharkey, who makes beautiful beach baby jewels.
It was very nice to meet your family, Melissa, and happy anniversary!
Thanks to everybody who stopped by, Claudia and Sylecia, in particular. I am very glad that few dear to my heart pictures found new home.

Very special thank you to Ivy, who liked my book, commissioned a piglet and expressed interest in dealing with PR for me when she grows up. She thinks that refrigerator magnet was a wise self-promotional move.
Thank you for introducing me to Sponge Bob and feeding me with strawberries and chocolate. And taking this opportunity, this is just to let you know that Scooby-Doo is such a fine cartoon:)

Attaching images of flat files, giant print, and the wall – artwork on the very left is by Charise Adams, without her the show would not have been up. And special thank you to Legacy Manager for installation that giant print.

The show will hang until July 28th.